Author: stef

Over 450 doctors sign petition supporting the academics’ abortion law clause

Doctors for Life has been closely following the developments related to the government’s proposed legal amendment. We share the grave concerns that numerous prominent academics have recently expressed in their position paper. Indeed, Doctors for Life believes that the wording as proposed by the government will be loosely interpreted to allow for abortion on demand. […]

Judicial Protest requests that doctors be given carte blanche on abortion

“Judicial Protest requests that doctors be given carte blanche on abortion” Doctors signing the Judicial Protest had no access to the document before signing. DfL have become aware of the content of a Judicial protest regarding abortion to be submitted today by Dr. Stabile in the name of a number of doctors and would like […]

European Parliamentary Vote Undermines The Protection of Human Life

Doctors for Life Deplores the Attack on the Right to Life of Unborn Children and the Blatant Attempt to Undermine the Right To Conscientious Objection by Medical Professionals DFL is troubled to note the recent adoption of the Matic report by the European Parliament, that seeks to make abortion a human right. This report is […]

Pregnant Mother at MDH

Doctors for Life firmly believes that the life of the mother always needs to be protected. Doctors for life is closely following developments on the 16-week, pregnant US citizen who unfortunately presented with premature rupture of membranes (broken waters) and bleeding. We genuinely empathise with the apprehension of the couple in question and want to […]

Polar Body Testing a more ethical option

Doctors concerned with recent proposal to introduce PGD: Polar Body Testing a more ethical option Doctors for Life firmly states that at the point of fertilisation, a new human life has begun whether this happens naturally or in IVF. This is a scientific and biological fact and not a matter of opinion. A human embryo […]

Proposal 506 of the Labour Party Electoral Manifesto

Doctors for Life expresses its concerns regarding Proposal 506 of the Labour Party Electoral Manifesto Doctors for Life has scrutinised the electoral programs being presented by the political parties and would like to express its concerns regarding proposal 506 contained within the 2022 Electoral Manifesto of the Partit Laburista, namely: “Nippubblikaw il-politika aggornata dwar is-saħħa […]

Position Statement on the Matic Report

Doctors for Life Position Statement on the Matic Report Saturday, 26th June 2021   Aqra bil-Malti “European Parliamentary Vote Undermines The Protection of Human Life.” Doctors for Life Deplores the Attack on the Right to Life of Unborn Children and the Blatant Attempt to Undermine the Right To Conscientious Objection by Medical Professionals   DFL […]

Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis Statement

Press Release on Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis Friday, 30th April 2021 Doctors warn that the introduction of Pre-Implantation Genetic Diagnosis leads to eugenics and devalues human life Illness is not eliminated by eliminating the ill DFL endorses the scientific truth that a human life starts at fertilisation and that once it has begun, it should always […]

Second Trimester Antenatal Maternal Sepsis

Maternal sepsis is a serious but rare condition that is caused by severe infection during pregnancy. The early recognition and aggressive treatment of infection with appropriate antibiotics in pregnancy is crucial. If there are signs of severe infection, then the baby will need to be delivered in order to save the mother’s life, even if […]