Position Statement on the Matic Report

Doctors for Life Position Statement on the Matic Report
Saturday, 26th June 2021

Aqra bil-Malti

“European Parliamentary Vote Undermines The Protection of Human Life.”

Doctors for Life Deplores the Attack on the Right to Life of Unborn Children and the Blatant Attempt to Undermine the Right To Conscientious Objection by Medical Professionals


DFL is troubled to note the recent adoption of the Matic report by the European Parliament, that seeks to make abortion a human right. This report is another step in the efforts of the pro-abortion lobby to normalize this abhorrent practice in Europe and force it on member states. It is a shame that such a divisive issue was endorsed by the EP, further testing the core European principle of subsidiarity and leaving many wondering whether the European motto ‘United in Diversity’ is slowly being replaced by a totalitarianism of values.

The report utilizes the same shrewd and misleading approach to force politicians and the public to acquiesce and submit to its conclusions by repeatedly conflating gender equality and basic human rights with abortion. This rationale makes the rejection of abortion equivalent to an unwillingness to grant equality or essential human rights and is a strategy employed repeatedly to compel others to accept such proposals. Of course, such a strategy necessitates the continued employment of euphemisms like reproductive rights and healthcare to sanitize the brutal reality of the intervention.

Abortion unequivocally involves the intentional killing of a human life and we challenge anyone to deny this, since it is self-evident. The survival of the embryo or fetus would be considered a ‘failed’ abortion. How tragic that this proposed paradigm for human rights should include an intervention with the sole purpose of taking a human life. DFL categorically and unequivocally rejects the ludicrous assertion that abortion is healthcare, since we maintain that healthcare should strive to provide optimal care for all human beings, in this case, both the mother and her child.
The Matic report doesn’t restrict itself to make killing a right but goes a step further and makes it an obligation by striving to challenge conscientious objection. In various countries where abortion is legal there are a significant proportion of medical practitioners who are unwilling to provide abortions, much to the dismay of those who would argue that it is basic healthcare.

In Ireland, (which has a GP led abortion service), despite the significant financial incentives provided by the government, more than 80% of GPs refuse to be involved with the service and repeated surveys have shown that the vast majority (85%) of the GP community in Ireland does not consider it a routine part of general practice. In Italy the percentage of doctors who refuse to perform abortions has consistently risen over the past decades and last stood at 70.2%. Does this freedom of conscience become so intolerable to those who would want to impose their values on others that they would seek to legislate to make criminals out of these doctors? It is ironic that the freedom of conscience rights we take for granted are now under threat by the very institution that is meant to protect them.

We want to express our sincere and heartfelt thanks to those Maltese MEPs from both parties who shunned political expediency and voted against the report. Their position was representative of the Maltese sentiment and the ethical understanding that all human lives matter and are deserving of the right to life.

It is sobering to note that previously abortion was presented by the pro-abortion lobby as a tragic necessity. Today they claim it’s a human right. In the future, they may seek to make it a legal obligation. Wake up Malta. Wake up Europe. #silentnomore


Dikjarazzjoni ta’ Doctors for Life dwar ir-rapport Matic
Is-Sibt, 26 ta’ Lulju 2021

Read in English

Il-vot parlamentari ewropew jimmina l-protezzjoni tal-ħajja umana.”

Tobba Favur Il-Ħajja jiddepploraw dan l-attakk kontra d-dritt għall-ħajja talpersuni mhux mitwielda. Jikkundannaw ukoll it-theddid fuq il-Conscientious Objection tal-professjonisti mediċi.


DFL tinsab imħassba dwar l-addozzjoni tar-Rapport Matic mill-Parlament Ewropew. Liema rapport jesiġi li l-abort għandu jkun meqjus bħala wieħed middrittijiet umani. Dan ir-rapport huwa pass ieħor min-naħa tal-front favur l-abort sabiex dan l-att attroċi jkun normalizzat u impost fuq l-istati membri. Hija ħasra li l-Parlament Ewropew irratifika l-pożizzjoni tiegħu minkejja li hija tant kwistjoni diviżiva. Konsegwentament, wieħed ma jistax ma jistaqsix jekk il-prinċipju fundamentali tas-sussidjarjetà għadu jiġi mħaddan mill-Unjoni Ewropea u jekk il-motto ‘Magħqudin fid-Diversità’ hux qed jinbidel bil-mod il-mod f’valuri totalitarji.

Ir-rapport juża l-istesstattika qarrieqa u manipulattiva li timponi fuq il-politikanti u fuq il-poplu inġenerali l-aġenda ta’ min hu favur l-abort billi dejjem jiġi mressaq l-argument dwar l-ugwaljanza tal-ġeneru u d-drittijiet fundamentali tal-bniedem. B’hekk persuna li tkun kontra l-abort qed tiġi meqjusa wkoll li tkun kontra lugwaljanza u d-drittijiet umani. Biex din l-aġenda qarrieqa tibqa’ tiġi propogata l-abort qed jiġi mqabbel jew aħjar meqjus bħala servizz tas-saħħa bħal donnu biex tintesa l-brutalità ħarxa ta’ dan l-att.

Mingħajr l-ebda dubju, l-abort ifisser il-qtil intenzjonat ta’ ħajja umana. Aħna nisfidaw lil kull min jiċħad li dan mhuwiex minnu. Fil-fatt meta l-embrijun jew fetu jirnexxilu xorta jsalva, dan jissejjaħ bħala ‘failed abortion’ jew aħjar abort li ma rnexxiex. Huwa paradossali l-fatt li biex nippromwovu d-drittijiet umani qegħdin nimbuttaw ukoll l-abort li jinvolvi l-qtil intenzjonat ta’ ħajja umana.
Ir-rapport Matic imur ukoll pass lil hinn għaliex qiegħed jesiġi li l-abort isir obbligatorju billi tiġi mhedda l-conscientious objection. F’ħafna pajjiżi fejn labort huwa legali hemm ammont sostanzjali ta’ tobba li mhumiex lesti li jipprovdu dan is-servizz. L-Irlanda, minkejja inċentivi kbar provduti mill-gvern, iktar minn 80% tat-tobba tal-familja jirrifjutaw li jiġu involuti f’servizz tal-abort b’iktar minn 85% jaqblu li dan m’għandux ikun parti mill-prattika tagħhom. FlItalja r-riċerka turina li fuq medda ta’ deċennji n-numru ta’ tobba li jirrifjutaw li jagħmlu abort qiegħed dejjem jikber bl-iktar statistika reċenti tkun ta’ 70.2%.

Allura wieħed ma jistax ma jistaqsix jekk il-libertà li tagħti l-conscientious objection lil dawn il-professjonisti hijiex qed tkun intollerabbli minn min għandu aġenda mod ieħor u qiegħed ifittex li jikkriminalizza lil min mhux lest li jibqa’ għaddej bl-abort. Huwa ironiku ferm il-fatt li l-conscientious objection li nqisu xi ħaġa tant ovvja tinsab taħt assedju mill-istess istituzzjoni li suppost qiegħda hemm biex tipproteġiha.

Aħna sinċerament nixtiequ nirringrazzjaw u nesprimu l-gratitudni tagħna lejn dawk il-Membri Parlamentari Ewropej Maltin ġejjin miż-żewġ partiti li f’dan l-aspett ma qisux l-opportuniżmu politiku u vvutaw kontra r-rapport. Il-pożizzjoni tagħhom hija tassew rappreżentattiva tas-sentiment tal-poplu Malti u talprinċipju etiku li kull bniedem għandu valur u dritt għall-ħajja.

Huwa inkwetanti l-fatt li fil-passat dawk favur l-abort kienu jpinġuh bħala neċessità traġika iżda llum qed jiġi propost li għandu jkun dritt uman. Fil-futur dawn l-istess nies jippruvaw ipoġġuh bħala obbligazzjoni legali. Malta semma’ leħnek! Ewropa semma’ leħnek! # silentnomore

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